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Entry 11: Final Blog Reflection

The first day of class we were introduced to becoming a blogger and author. My first thoughts about this idea about blogging in a English 102 class was great. I was very excited for something different and new. Every English class is different but most are very similar. The idea that students create a blog and 50% of it is self generated topics was a wonderful idea. I enjoyed writing every single entry. My favorite was the self generated blogs. These were my favorite because it was a way I could express my personal opinion and share what interests me. Along with the self generated topics we has great topics that were instructed to us. All of them we were able to express in our own ways. No ones blog was at all similar. The topics may have been, but the views were all slightly different along with the content.  Blogging was completely new to me. I went in with a positive attitude and for now I am leaving with a positive attitude as well. At first I struggled with the simple aspects
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