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Entry #9: The Trend on Social Media

Recently I have been doing research regarding social media in general. Prior to my research, I didn't think anything of social media. I am a frequent user of Instagram, Face Book, and Snap Chat. I use these daily to upload pictures, statuses, share videos, and communicate with family and friends. There are a few things I did notice post my research. I noticed a fashion trend on social media. Every person I have on via Instagram basically had the same fashion sense. I personally always looked past this and didn't bother to even think anything of it. When you follow celebrities and friends you notice a similarity in the type and style of clothing people wear. I defiantly can say I think people are highly influenced by what they see on social media. Many people try to be unique and make there fashion sense original, but with everyone trying to be unique, to me everyone looks ordinary and the same. Although people claim to be original I see a trend. Particularly I see a trend within females. There is a particular look each girl follows. They take pictures in certain angles to appear slimmer. They pose in provocative ways. They angle their face. Ive noticed that social media is a fantasy outlet for some people. When I see these people in public they are never dressed nor look exactly like the pictures they post. It's as if they feel they either have to look a certain way online to compete with others or they feel comfortable posting pictures looking a certain way but not in public. I can't say I never noticed this before but I have been paying a lot more attention to it recently. 


  1. I have noticed this trend about women as well. I constantly see people posting about how unique and different they are but still follow the exact same trends everyone else is following. There is nothing wrong with following trends but it seems as though the concept of not following a trend is becoming a trend. Just like how being hipster started out as being against the mainstream but now being hipster is mainstream.


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