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Entry #8: Talk Shows! My Learnings and Comparisons!

Talk shows have been around as early as 1951. In fact, the first talk show was originally called a chat show. Joe Franklin who was an American radio and television personality was the first person to air a television talk show. The show became a hit which led to a new trend. Today, one very well known talk show is the Oprah Winfrey Show. The Oprah Show became an international show that premiered in 1986 and ended in 2011. The show inspired mostly women and men all over the world. She made dreams come true and experiences happen. Other shows like Dr. Oz and Dr. Phil became hits after they appeared on the Oprah Show. Dr. Mehmet Oz , who was a cardiothoracic surgeon and a professor at the Cardiovascular Institute and Complementary Medicine Program at New York Presbyterian Hospital, began filming his talk show after premiering five times on the Oprah Show. His main focus is to provide people with advice on how to be healthier individuals. For example, he focuses on proper ways to eat, exercise, sleep, and ways to maintain a healthy heart. Another show that became a raging hit was the Dr. Phil show. Dr. Phil McGraw who is a psychologist that was also discovered by Oprah, introduced his show to the media on September 16th, 2002. The show focuses on weight loss, financial planning, errant children, gift suggestions, children who have been diagnosed with autism, unhappily married couples, rebellious teens, mothers who dress far from their age, dysfunctional families, and support for charitable causes. The list goes on and on.  Both shows can help people who are afraid of admitting and reaching out for help about their personal problems. The shows vary in similarities and differences in appearance in doctors, the show atmosphere, and the several similarities the two shows share.

The appearance of each doctor on both shows are dramatically different. Dr. Oz presents himself to be wearing scrubs as if you were having an actual interaction with a doctor at a doctor's appointment. This is what the "typical"  doctor would be seen wearing. The color of his scrubs vary, but they follow a pattern of cooling colors such as blue and black. Does he wear scrubs so people don't forget that he is a doctor? Not necessarily. Part of the reason being behind this strategy  is about branding and marketing. This is simply his way of promoting scrubs. He is always comfortable in his clothes as well. This is a image that he promotes himself to be and gives off a 'doctor like' atmosphere. He presents himself more casual to his audience. Dr. Phil on the other hand is always dressed in a suit and tie. He is very formal when he speaks and presents himself more proper. The thought of Dr.Phil being aired on TV wearing scrubs is absurd and over the top. The reason being behind this is because the two shows differ in atmosphere. The Dr. Oz shows is very open. The crowd tends to be loud and constantly volunteering. Dr. Oz always comes up with creative experiments for his audience that creates a visual. The show has a happy and enthusiastic environment. The Dr. Phil show is quiet and sorrow. The crowd is calm and passionate. Dr. Phil shows graphic footage of real life stories that shock his audience, leaving them speechless and sometimes in tears. Therefore Dr. Phil sticks to his usual suit. This keeps his surrounding audience more professional and concerned.

The difference in appearance in doctors gives off different show atmosphere. When looking at the two, Dr. Oz's more casual and relaxed appearance gives off a more hyped and energetic crowd. The audience is mostly loud, involved in the show, and enthusiastic. Since the show is based to help people be more comfortable and open about their health, Dr. Oz goes a does an astounding job on keeping the atmosphere and also the crowd very comfortable with themselves along with educating them. Dr. Oz focuses on issues such as proper ways to eat, relaxation, exercise, sleep, and ways to maintain a healthy heart and life. The show is meant to teach individuals about topics curtain people are not mastered in and help change lives. Along with this, the show's atmosphere is very educational and inspiring. He help keep his audience involved and open to understanding his knowledge by creating simple experiments pertaining to the topic. Whether it be something so simple like blowing up a balloon and letting the air out or mixing multiple chemicals, he still manages to keep his audience hooked and engaged. On the contrary, Dr. Phil's show appearance is slightly clashes with Dr. Oz's show. His show focuses on more serious issues such as financial planning, errant children, people who have been diagnosed with health problems, unhappily married couples, rebellious teens, and dysfunctional families. Disputes such as these change the atmosphere between the two shows. The suit and tie Dr. Phil wears to every shows symbolizes the more seriousness and stern approach. His audience is more mellow but is show deals with serious life issues, issues usually being serious and sorrow concerns. Emotions fill the air. There are times you see a stranger in the crowd swimming in tears because he or she can connect to the people on the show. Even as a couch potato  who watches the show, it is not rare not abnormal to see someone emotionally connecting to the show. The atmosphere of the Dr. Phil show is very heartwarming along with distress.

Although the two shows differ in appearance the have resemblance as well. The two shows are alike in several ways. They air on television to show that everyone has a purpose in life. The two doctors are there to help. They are both free to watch at home but may cost depending on person to person to attend live. On the bright side, with a switch of a button people can educate themselves to improve their well-being. Of course both doctors do not do this just for fun or for free. there is a price to everything, but they do offer other options for the less fortunate. Here you have two doctors, one that is a cardiothoracic surgeon educating people about improving their health along with another doctor who is a psychologist who uses his training and clinical skills to help people learn to cope more effectively with life issues and mental health problems. Both doctors serve a purpose. They both had a dream in life to help people along with forming a career at the same time. With thanks to Oprah Winfrey, she helped make dreams for them, along with the average American citizen come true. Both doctors appeared on The Oprah show is the early 2000's. Their stories and advice caught the attention of the audience and viewers. Today the two shows are highly trending.

Talk shows are not necessarily there just for a person's entertainment. They are there for educational purposes and values as well. The appearance in the two shows differ. Dr. Oz's show has a more enthusiastic and happy atmosphere. Rarely do you watch a Dr. Oz show that is depressing and melancholy. The Dr. Phil show stands out for it's more serious and heart warming stories that touch people from allover the world. Although you will find that Dr. Phil has several variations of topics, exciting and enthusiastic ones are rare. They all serve important purpose, to help bring awareness and to educate people to improve their well-being. The way the two Doctors present themselves on the show differ as well. Dr. Oz is more comfortable and casual with the clothing he wears. On the flip side Dr.Phil gives off a more formal and conservative appearance. It is very important that the appearance in doctors goes hand in hand with the main focus of the show. If a doctor is dressed up as a clown it would be very obscure to listen to a melancholy show. the shows differ and relate. The two doctors were both discovered on the Oprah Show. They both educated Oprah's audience and gained fans at the same time. The doctors may differ in appearance, atmosphere,and main focuses but they still have slight similarities.


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