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Entry #7: The #HashTag

Somewhere between 2015 to 2016 I was personally introduced to the #HashTag. At first I did not understand the purpose. I thought it was just some kind of new tree on the online world that would go away. When I first noticed it on social media I would just ignore it and look past it. More and more the hash tag symbol (#) followed by a word or phrase was appearing more often. This is when I finally discovered that with a click of a button you are taken to a new page with pictures and other hash tags related to that hash tag. I found it very interesting actually. The fact that a click of a word or phrase opens up a new tab of related posts was very very cool to me. 

I noticed the hashtag revolution primarily on Instagram. There was a pattern I saw with people that I followed. Those people tended to receive a handful amount of more liked on their pictures and videos then others. Followed by their caption there was a paragraph of never ending hash tags. Was this why people were getting more likes? 

WOW! This must have taken a lot of effort.....
To me, this hash tag revolution has become a part of social media and I do not see it going away. Personally I am not a huge fan of the hashtag when it comes to posting my own pictures or statuses on social media, but I will admit I am guilty! I have done the hash tag paragraph on certain pictures on Instagram years ago. Foe me this hash tag revolution was a phase. 

What I do use hash tags for is actually looking up particular things that interest me. for instance hair and make up. Those are things I personally enjoy looking at on social media when I am relaxing after a long day. The hash tag is a great tool to see a plentiful amount of related topics. 

All in all, I would say I am all for the hash tag! #KeepHashTagging!!


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