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Entry #10: Gun Control

When you turn on the news or flip through a newspaper or magazines it seems that you always are hearing or reading about mass shootings occurring in schools or movie theaters. You hear on the TV and see the issues posted on social media. More laws are made to attempt to control the issues from not happening as much. Of course it is impossible to completely eliminate crimes such as these shooting. How safe is it really to enforce more gun control? The way I look at it, it's not safe at all. The more people cannot defend themselves in situations like this the more likely a shooter will commit a mass shooting or crime using a gun. If a person goes into a place where no guns are allow, the chances this person has to committing a crime and killing a lot of people are high. The chances a civilian has to protecting themselves, family, friends are very slim.

People who are not committing crimes obey laws and rules that are being enforced by the government. When you go to almost any public place there is a sign posting saying no firearms allowed. Of course people obey these laws and leave their firearm in their car. But how safe is this? the debate on this subject continues. many people have high opinions about this. Some think that by having a high gun control and by limiting how many guns one can own that this can help eliminate murders. Some People feel that they are more safe if they have a weapon on them to protect. This is a problem because no matter what the government decides on what to do and how much to regulate, crimes will always be committed one way or another. Your typical shooter does not care what the rules are.

Some people feel they have no power to solve this problem but others feel the need to voice their opinion. I think it is very important if you have a strong opinion in a topic like this that you should voice your opinion whether it be for more gun control or less, your opinion matters and can make a change. Me personally I do not believe that guns should be controlled more than they already are.

This issue will forever be debated upon. People will always have their opinion and disagreements. This is a current issue and has not been resolved yet because there are so many pros and cons when it comes to gun control. Also this is part of our second amendment and the amendment cannot be altered or removed from our amendment rights. There are many stories that hit the media about good and bad regarding guns.

In conclusion this is an issue that has not been resolved. Many politicians have tried to create laws the regulate and control guns but in the end it is not the laws about the gun itself it is about the person who has their hand on the gun and the thoughts running through their minds. a person who wants to kill and commit a crime and is willing to risk their lives, will kill and commit a crime regardless from where they get a gun from whether it be illegally or by stealing.


  1. i completely agree creating laws only creates criminals. just because they have laws on specific guns the wrong person could get there hands on what ever they want

  2. All I can say on this subject is that in a day and age where the government has such advanced technology that guns can become obsolete from a purely efficiency perspective, fighting to have 10 more rounds in your magazine is futile. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't I enjoy getting hit with a drone strike by some guy sitting in a van.

  3. Aida--Your new entries are good. Interesting topics and thoughtful development. Very good work.


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