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Showing posts from April, 2017

Extra Credit: My Reaction to Michael Moore’s film Capitalism: A Love Story

After watching Michael Moore's Film Capitalism: A Love Story, I have many thoughts roaming my head. First off I don't agree with everything he says. The number one thing I do not agree with is his perception of eviction. My mother is a real estate broker and there are laws that protect home owners. It is illegal to evict someone without proper notice and reason. The home owner has the break either a rule they signed in their agreement or they did not pay their rent/mortgage. Who knows what the story behind the eviction is in this film. To me it is clearly very bias. Personally I think Michael Moore exaggerates a lot! He used the word capitalism in a bad way. To him capitalism is a terrible word and basically a curse word. In my opinion Michael Moore is a socialist and isn't that word "socialist" a evil word as well? The way Moore perceives capitalism and democracy is very exaggerated and inaccurate. I do agree with him when it comes to the corruption of this c

Entry #6: Adopt DON'T Shop!

We have all heard it and seen it, "Adopt Don't Shop". What does this mean and why are people so passionate about this slogan? When you buy from a local breeder you are actually supporting euthanizing at your local pounds. Ever animals that enters a no kill shelter has a time frame of how long they are going to keep the animal before euthanizing it and if they think the animal will be sold. When you purchase a and al from a 3rd party breeder, your decreasing other animals lives in shelters. 2.7 MILLION  adoptable cats and dogs are euthanized in the United States. Something great about adopting a animal is that not only are you saving a life, but this animal most likely comes micro chipped, spayed/ neutered, vaccinated, and possibly food. Animals at a shelter are happy and healthy pets who are just waiting for their human. But what is something that really sticks out? The price! The price for a fully vaccinated, spayed/neutured, and microchip pets is cheap! A breeder

Entry #5: My response to "Ducey: Why Arizona needs more college grads"

Through out my personal educational experience, in my opinion, I came to the conclusion that the schooling system in the United States is a rip off and extremely over priced. Although many will disagree with my opinion, here's why I think that... First off I continued my education after high school in 2014. For the past three years I really cannot say I learned something that changed my life that I will always need and use. But then again this is my 4th year in school and I'm looking at about 7 more years. Most likely somewhere in the next years, I will stumble across a new learning experience. Now, after reading Doug Ducey's thoughts about the toughest of why Arizona needs more college grads, I would not necessarily say I disagree with him. Yes, I still believe its a rip off and a big growing business, but I also still agree with him. "Earning a certificate or degree, or both, after high school opens the door to countless economic opportunities". I defiantly

Entry #4: Is school for everyone?

After high school many people face the decision whether or not they want to continue to further their education. What are the next steps to adult hood? Will I be able to find a job? What are my options when it comes to financing my education? These are all frequently asked questions. This is not a easy decision for people to make, but it is very important. The most frequently asked question is who will hire me without college education? Is it possible to be successful without education? My answer to you is yes, but this is NOT for everyone. There are many people in the world that became multi million and billionaires without a college education. For example, artists, musicians, actors, athletes, or just self driven and motivated people willing to push themselves hard in order for success. For some becoming a musician or athlete is not their strongest and most realistic characteristics. It can be very difficult to know exactly what you want and how you are going to achieve thi

Entry #3: Slanted Reporting In United Airlines Incident

This past week the video of the man being dragged off of the United Airlines flight has god viral! When you turn on the television you see the video on the news and you hear the news reporter expressing some sort of emotion, most likely a melancholy tone in this case.  I came across this well viewed article and video about the situation. This article is slanted. For example, the first thing you see and notice before you even begin reading the article is the article title. The word "dragged" just expresses a sorrow feeling. Just the word "dragged" itself does not sound pleasant or positive in any matter, especially when it comes to dragging a human.  The second thing I noticed was the first sentence in this article, " The disturbing scene captured on cellphone videos by  United Airlines  passengers on Sunday went beyond the typical nightmares of travelers on an overbooked flight". The second word in this test is "disturbing". This article clea